• African Potato

Hypoxis hemerocallidea

Used in traditional African medicine and frequently found at 'muti' markets throughout SA. Although naturally occurring throughout South Africa, due to the many medicinal benefits of its tuber, Hypoxis hemerocallidea is under real threat of becoming a lost crop due to over harvesting. Keeping this variety 'alive' is a worthy undertaking.

Commonly called Star Flower (English) or Sterblom (Afrikaans), some say that the name African Potato is incorrect as it is is not really potato-like but more of a tuberous corm. Not to be confused with Tsenza Plectranthus esculentus which has edible tubers and is often referred to as African Potato.

The dark brown/black corm is the plant's sought after part. Used fresh to make infusions that are used as a tonic, to treat urinary tract infections, treat prostate, cancer,tumors, Tuberculosis, and has even been recommended as a daily treatment for HIV; the list is long. Using the corm requires caution though as there is a toxicity warning, which should always be heeded.

African Potato makes a stunning display as an ornamental with its beautiful yellow star-shaped flowers, and although challenging to grow it is a rewarding plant to have in your garden. The seeds do not germinate easily and may take up to a year to get started. Some say scarification helps, others swear by the smoke method, and most say it is just a waiting game which in our modern, instant society, is probably the greatest challenge of all.

Smoke method: This simulates the natural bushfires that occur stimulating the seed to grow. You can use smoke paper which can be purchased or you can make your own smoke water. To do this, slowly burn leaves and twigs, preferably from indigenous plants, allowing them to smoulder gently. Collect the ashes and soak them in water for 24 hours. Strain the liquid through a sieve and soak your seeds for 24 hours before planting directly where they are to grow.

Once you have the plant growing it is extremely hardy, drought tolerant and frost hardy. Prefers full sun and a well-draining soil and does very well in containers. Do not water in its winter dormancy period.

Disclaimer: Although we may list potential health benefits of plants, we do not purport to be medical professionals. Please do your own research and consult a medical professional before trying any natural remedies.

Standard Packet contains approx. 15 seeds

There is no Petite option available.

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African Potato

  • Product Code: 252-0003
  • Availability: In Stock
  • R32.60

Tags: african, potato, hypoxis, hemerocallidea

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