• Buchu - Round Leaf

Agathosma betulina

An indigenous, edible, medicinal plant, round-leaf buchu or rondblaarboegoe (Afrikaans) is part of the cultural heritage of the Khoi and San peoples who would traditionally mix the dried, powdered leaves along with a few other ingredients and sheep fat into a paste and anoint their bodies as an antibiotic treatment, an insect repellent, as well as for cosmetic reasons.  The leaves were chewed to relieve stomach gripes. The early Dutch settlers took this one step further and steeped the leaves in brandy and used this 'boegoebrandewyn" as a cure all for stomach ailments. Buchu vinegar, "boegoe-asyn" was used extensively for the disinfecting and cleaning of wounds. In modern times Buchu has remained a popular item in the modern medicine chest, most commonly served up as a tea to help relieve rheumatism, treat urinary tract infections and kidney diseases, assist with digestive issues and many, many more.

Easy to grow; plant seed in seedling trays in autumn when there is a 12deg C difference between the day and night temperatures. Can take up to 8 weeks to germinate, so patience is required. Plant out in a sunny spot into acidic, well draining soil once you have at least 2 sets of true leaves. Once the plants are established, they are relatively frost hardy but may require some protection while still young.

Bushes can get to 2m in height and 30-40cm wide, they are slow growing and will only produce their abundant white and pink/purple flower after their second year. The rounded leaves are a distinctive feature that distinguishes A. betulina from its close relative, A. crenulata which has much longer leaves and is has a considerably high level of pulegone, which is considered to be toxic.

Disclaimer: Although we may list potential health benefits of plants, we do not purport to be medical professionals. Please do your own research and consult a medical professional before trying any natural remedies.

Standard Packet contains approx. 15 seeds

There is no Petite option available.


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Buchu - Round Leaf

  • Product Code: 252-0006
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • R35.71

Tags: round, leaf, buchu, agathosma, betulina

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