Tulbagia acutiloba x T. violacea ‘Prōtegō’.

Developed by Jason Sampson, the Curator of the Manie van der Schijff Botanical Garden at Tukkies, this is the very first time this immensely useful little plant will be offered to the public, by, you guessed it, Livingseeds.

This immensely useful hybrid selection is being formally trialed on various crops as it produces an overabundance of Allium (organosulfur) compounds, making it an ideal biocontrol or “push” crop. It functions by deterring pests, hence pushing them away.

This hybrid cultivar grows super-fast, and forms a mat of roots and bulbs so dense even “kweek” (Cynodon) grass wont grow through a clump. It produces an abundance of bulbs, and can be continually split to form new clumps as needed. It cannot be overstated how quickly this multiplies.

Organosulphur compounds are produced by the roots, leaves and flowers continually. Planted closely to crops that require protection in the garden means these compounds confuse and repel potential pests continually.
‘Prōtegō’ is a Latin word that means “shield”, or “protector”, very apt for this handy little plant.

This plant exhibits strong hybrid vigor, prefers full sun but otherwise has no vices.
Unsurprisingly it has no insect or fungal pests that we have noted.
Flowers are a strange shade of violet-bronze, and favored by pollinating insects.

Note: Although not toxic this is not and edible garlic.

Supplied as two starts.

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Tulbagia Protego

  • Product Code: 250-0437
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • R44.47

Tags: tulbagia, garlic, wild garlic, protego

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