If you're a passionate gardener, these legumes are your secret ingredient for healthy and delicious meals. Each of these varieties has a rich history and a flavour profile like no other.
Beans are frost-sensitive and prefer full sun. Well-improved soil will provide superior crops.
Best grown by direct seeding 10-15 days after your last frost date. Plant seeds directly where they are to grow 2.5-3cm deep. Individual plant spacing is 30-40cm and 40cm between rows. Germination takes 7-10 days. Soil temps should be above 13ºC, otherwise, seed may rot in the ground. Bush beans will be the first to produce and you can start harvesting early varieties from about 50-55 days. Pole beans take a while longer and will produce from around 65+ days.
Broad Beans: A.k.a. fava beans. A bush variety needing support. Enjoys cooler weather and can tolerate mild frost. Best planted in autumn or early spring.
Bush Beans: A.k.a. dwarf beans. Very quick and rewarding crop. Produces early, with flushes of sweet, tender beans. Plant after the last frost.
Pole Beans: These are climbing beans that require support in order to climb. The more often their pods are picked, the more they produce.
Runner Beans: A productive bean that requires support to climb. Best picked young. These beans require stringing yet more than make up for the effort with exceptional flavour.
Lima Beans: A.k.a. butter beans. Very productive, rambling, bushy plants. Requires a long, warm season to produce. Mainly used as shelly or dry beans.
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Lab Lab (Hyacinth) Beans
Lablab purpureusAlso known as Egyptian kidney bean, dolichos bean, Bataw and Australian pea, among o..
Phaseolus vulgaris Labrador beans are bush beans but are also called snap beans, dwarf beans, Fre..
Lazy Wife (White seeded)
Phaseolus vulgarusLIMITED STOCK! A very old German variety from the 1810's. Named as such becaus..
Lime Delight Bush
Phaseolus vulgarisThis bush bean, has milky green pods that hold a treasure of delightful, lime colo..
Lohrey's Old Tasmanian
Phaseolus vulgaris A really old Tasmanian variety, saved by one family for over 65 years. This is..
Malawi Soy Beans
Glycine maxAn exciting release for us. This is small seeded soy bean typically grown in dryland con..
Marvel of Nictaux
Phaseolus vulgaris A pole bean variety that got its name from Nictaux, a town in Nova Scotia Cana..
Mayflower Bean
Phaseolus vulgaris The Mayflower Bean is the bean that went over to the USA on the Mayflower in 1..
McKenzie's Red
Phaseolus vulgarisA very prolific Kidney bean variety of Australian descent. These Australian beans ..
Mitla Black Tepary Beans
Phaseolus acutifolius This bean is native to Mexico. The vigorous plants produce beautiful pink fl..
Mom's French Lazy House Wife
Phaseolus vulgarisThis bean was given to us by Patricia Mcleod. It was grown out by her Mother in Ca..
Morama aka Gemsbok Bean
The Morama Bean aka Gemsbok Bean (Tylosema esculentum)This is a completely astounding bean to add to..
Neckragold Pole
Phaseolus vulgarisThis is a great pole bean! It produces well over an extended period as long as yo..
New Mexican Red Beans
Phaseolus vulgarisThis bean variety is from the native cliff-dwelling Americans. The dry beans are a..
Northeaster Pole Bean
Phaseolus vulgaris "This bean was named for its ability to keep producing even after the cold nor' e..
Nyemba Pole Bean
Phaseolus vulgarisLIMITED STOCK!A Malawian dry bean variety from the Blantyre region. This is ..
Öland Swedish
Phaseolus vulgarisA prolific producer of brown dry bush beans that were originally found in 1885 in ..
Oom Tieps Green
Phaseolus vulgarisThis is a South African heritage variety given to us by a friend of Oom Tieps. Th..
Orca Beans
Phaseolus vulgaris One of our favourite dry beans. Also known as Yin-Yang beans or Calypso beans,..
Osborne and Clyde Pole Beans
Phaseolus vulgarisA vigorous climbing bean that produces short, flat green pods with a reddish-purpl..