If you're a passionate gardener, these legumes are your secret ingredient for healthy and delicious meals. Each of these varieties has a rich history and a flavour profile like no other.
Beans are frost-sensitive and prefer full sun. Well-improved soil will provide superior crops.
Best grown by direct seeding 10-15 days after your last frost date. Plant seeds directly where they are to grow 2.5-3cm deep. Individual plant spacing is 30-40cm and 40cm between rows. Germination takes 7-10 days. Soil temps should be above 13ºC, otherwise, seed may rot in the ground. Bush beans will be the first to produce and you can start harvesting early varieties from about 50-55 days. Pole beans take a while longer and will produce from around 65+ days.
Broad Beans: A.k.a. fava beans. A bush variety needing support. Enjoys cooler weather and can tolerate mild frost. Best planted in autumn or early spring.
Bush Beans: A.k.a. dwarf beans. Very quick and rewarding crop. Produces early, with flushes of sweet, tender beans. Plant after the last frost.
Pole Beans: These are climbing beans that require support in order to climb. The more often their pods are picked, the more they produce.
Runner Beans: A productive bean that requires support to climb. Best picked young. These beans require stringing yet more than make up for the effort with exceptional flavour.
Lima Beans: A.k.a. butter beans. Very productive, rambling, bushy plants. Requires a long, warm season to produce. Mainly used as shelly or dry beans.
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Strike Bush Bean
Phaseolus vulgaris An awesome bush bean. Great strong producer of early beans, produces well with..
Stringless Pioneer
Phaseolus vulgarisA high yielding, early bush bean variety that produces exceptionally well. T..
Phaseolus vulgaris This historical bean is thought to have been the original bean used to make su..
Swahili Grey Kijirui
Phaseolus vulgaris A Kenyan dry bean variety, collected at a market in the coastal town of Momba..
Tender Delight
Phaseolus vulgaris A heavy cropper of lovely stringless green beans borne on sturdy bushes that g..
Tendergreen Bush Beans
Phaseolus vulgaris Another lovely bush bean, Tendergreen is a productive, stringless, round podde..
Top Crop Bush
Phaseolus vulgarisDeveloped and released in 1950 by the United States Department of Agriculture (USD..
Uganda Banthu Bean
Phaseolus vulgaris A prolific landrace variety from Uganda. Although it is a bush type, it ha..
Phaseolus vulgarisA dutch bean variety which is a prolific producer of tender flat long pods that gr..
Vermont Appaloosa Bean
Phaseolus vulgarisA classic Heirloom variety native to central and southern America. One of their ke..
Vitumbe Purple Beans
Phaseolus vulgarisA beautifully purple coloured bush bean from Northern Malawi, originally grown b..
Wellington Wonder
Phaseolus vulgaris A prolific producer of large flat pods. This New Zealand heirloom is a real pr..
White Krombek
Phaseolus vulgaris A great old Dutch heirloom. This has been regarded for many years by the Dutch..
White Nandolo
Cajanus cajanLimited StockAn excellent dry-land crop that can be treated as a perennial in frost f..
Whitesitt Family Baby Lima
Phaseolus lunatusAn old family heirloom traced back to 1887 when the Whitesitt family brought ..
Windsor Long Pod
Phaseolus vulgaris A bush bean with a long history as a favourite garden bean. As its name sugges..
Winged Bean
Psophocarpus tetragonolobusLimited stockAlso known as asparagus peas, winged beans are light green i..
Witsa Beans
Phaseolus vulgaris Released in 1964. Witsa bean is a South African variety developed by the Horticul..
Yard Long or Green Noodle
Vigna sesquipedalis Heirloom. The yard long bean is a traditional oriental bean that never fails..
Zagreb Soldier
Phaseolus vulgaris A Yugoslavian Heirloom that is said to have originated from Croatia. This bean..